The Original Reenactors Market
The One Stop Shop for Historically Accurate Goods.
Next TORM: 14, 15 & 16 March 2025
Sports Connexion CV8 3FL. Admission £5
Pottery & Tiles

Bodgers Farm Pottery
Re-enactment and Historical Pottery by Kate Phillips
Over the past 20 years I have researched my love of ancient pottery, in particular the Anglo Saxon and Viking periods. Commissions have varied from bronze age beakers to Tudor candle sticks. I use various different clays to reflect different geographical areas and each pot has its own provenance. All my pottery supplied for re-enactment is designed to be used. I fire these to a much higher temperature than my potter ancestors were able to achieve resulting in far more hard-wearing pots. In addition I use modern food-safe glaze recipes and for hygienic purposes glaze the interior surfaces unless otherwise requested. Replica pottery for museum display is made as accurately as possible from historical reference research.
01945 430880

Company of Artisans
Karen & Charlie Slade demonstrate Medieval tile making and traditional building crafts. We work in Building Conservation, often on Church monuments.

Trinity Court Potteries
Trinity Court Potteries was established in 1992 by Jim and Emma who together have been producing replica ceramics for over 27 years . All the replicas we make are reproduced to museum standards using clays, inclusions and glazes that are specifically matched where possible to each original artefact. We produce ceramics from the Iron Age through to the 18th Century.